A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Auto Shop
In which Mike finds human kindness is not dead.
Suquamish, WA - 12 Sep 2024
I don't drive much. For the most part I commute to work or go to get my groceries using a bicycle. Last week I needed my car to go to work because I had some errands to do that were bigger than the bike could handle. On car days I have to leave earlier because I like to get in a walk before work to replace the ride in. The mornings are dark now and when I flipped on the lights I thought things were looking a little dim. Then I realized that I was rolling on only one headlight. That's not good. I drove in being very careful not to draw too much attention to myself in case the police on patrol are cranky or short a cup of coffee. Drive careful, but not obviously so. I got to work safely and didn't get arrested.
As soon as I got home that afternoon I called my auto shop and tried to make an appointment. Since they are perpetually booked the next available appointment would be weeks out. Customer service is excellent at the shop and the clerk suggested I just come in as a walk-in. Good advice that I didn't expect to receive. She said the job would be quick so I could probably get squeezed in between regular appointments. Tip o' the hat to Peninsula Subaru.
I rolled in very early on the following Tuesday morning. As a rule I like to get in early. Traffic is nuts at that hour because of the flood of shipyard workers and other folk trying to get to their jobs in Kitsap County. I have to cross that traffic to get into the shop and I also like to be there when the doors open. I have a better position in the queue, even on days when I have a legitimate appointment time.
Well, my timing could not have been better. I got to the parking lot a good twenty minutes before opening only to discover that the shop was undergoing a massive upgrade and renovation. There was no entrance to the shop and no sign of life, I drove around to see if I could find an option. This was hard because every inch of the lot is full of cars waiting for service or to be picked up or to be sold. I could hear Carl Sagan in my head. "Billions and billions and billions of cars…"* I finally discovered a set of portable buildings set up and a chain link marked entryway to the buildings. This had to be the queue so I pulled in. No sooner did I turn off the engine and set he brake when someone came out of the trailer and invited me in. I found my destination.
I climbed up the steep stairway. It was like the acomm ladder from ships I served on. A long steep thing that got me from the pier to the quarterdeck. Salute the ensign, salute the OOD; "permission to come aboard." Sorry - flashback. Once inside I was quickly checked in. I asked if they could inspect the other lights, just in case. The clerk asked if I would like a somebignumber point inspection and I said that would be a good idea. Then she asked if I would like an oil change. This was turning into a regular visit and it worried me I might be there a while. Well, it turned out I was close enough to due that I might as well get the check over and the oil change too. I get those options free for the life of my car ownership - a perk from my original purchase. Well, she got me checked in lickety-split and then walked me over to another building that was under construction. It had everything I needed, a bathroom, free coffee and a warm place to hang out. I'll take it, thank you very much.
I brought all the things I thought I might need for a long wait. A book to read, a journal to write in should I find myself so inspired and an iPad in case I exhaust the first two resources. I came prepared to camp out. I settled in and began to read.
An hour later the clerk came to the building to let me know the car was finished. That was fast and unexpected. My car passed all the inspection points and had fresh oil and other fluids along with a brand spanking new headlight. An all for the low, low price of $59. I feel the need to add, "but wait! There's more" with all my soul, but can’t bring myself to it.
I was out the door and heading home. My wife and her sister had taken off to get facials so I had the morning to myself. I used my time well and gassed up the car and then went off to get a haircut. I was starting to get my Grizzly Adams look on and needed a clean up.
With all of that I was still home before ten and managed to get some writin' done and knocked out a few letters as well. A good day and some mighty good service. I like to remind myself that in spite of all the turmoil in the world today, there is still plenty of good around.
Keep on truckin’
*Carl Sagan never actually said this. It was from a Johnny Carson skit/parody he did on the Tonight Show