Suquamish, WA - 13 Jan 2025
I made a commitment to start back to commuting on my bike. I used it to get the groceries Sunday and that went surprisingly well - except for the rain. This week is supposed to be rain free, something we don't readily admit around here, but it is nice to dream. So with that in mind, I made a personal commitment to not put off the mission.
It was pretty cold this morning. Not freezing or anything, but cold. I got up to 33 degrees and the little niggling doubt started to creep into my head. I fought it off and kept doing morning things and pushed past the time when I would normally jump in the car to drive to work. I figured if I could walk in this cold I certainly could ride in it. so, I took the extra hour and packed up my saddle bags, all the while keeping a wary eye on the skies. No rain... I'm safe.
When I got out it was indeed cold. I had about a million layers of clothing on and that helped. I was still chilled, but knew that once I got the fist mile under my belt I would be fine. It was a dark mile though. Dawn was a ways off and I forgot just how dark it can be out here. My little bike light illuminated the road ahead, but on a dirt road that passes through a tunnel of trees it is tough to tell if the dark spot ahead is a shadow or a pothole. Care must be taken.
I made it to the main road without getting killed. That gave me a sense of confidence. Now I had the benefit of a street light every hundred yards or so. I also had a guiding light from the bright Wolf Moon up in the sky. It isn't much, but it helps me anticipate the journey as it rolls under me. My legs were tired from yesterday, but the cobwebs were breaking loose and I figured it wouldn’t be long before the ride was less a chore and more a breeze. Well, a hard breeze, it's still work.
I got to the clinic in one piece, though I was chilled to the bone. I spent most of the day trying to shake it off, but it was right down to my core. Thank you to the caffeine gods for providing lots of hot coffee and tea. Much appreciated - cheers.
I was worried about the ride home, but was pleased to discover that it wasn't as dark as I had expected. In a car the roads seemed dark in the afternoon, but when I was outing the open I perceived things differently and the roads were lit well enough for me to see easily. The temperatures were up by about seven or so degrees, so it felt downright balmy compared to the morning.
I'm home now, supper and a hot shower reset my attitude and the chill is gone. I am pondering over whether to ride in tomorrow. If I feel good when I get up I'll do it again. If I have soreness, then I will heed my body's pleas and chill for a day.
In retrospect I am glad I finally jumped in and made the effort. I think the problem was a taste of fear, but once I realized that the dark isn't all that bad, I had no trouble with my commute and look forward to more of them.
Keep on truckin'
As our pals the Grateful Dead sing, "The first days are the hardest days." Keep on truckin'.