Suquamish, WA - 18 Sep 2024
I won't say I kicked the virus that snuck into our house last week and tried to do us in. I don't want to jinx anything, but I am sure the virus is dead. Ding dong ol' COVID's dead. I am no longer congested and the chills are long gone. Except for the fact that my body is now taking out the trash and ejecting the last remnants of damage done, I think I am doing okay. My wife makes the same claim.
I wanted to test things out so I put on the running kit and headed out the door. Now, I'm not insane. I have no intention of making any heroic attempts at personal best records, but I want to see how things are running under the hood. I started with walking to warm up and made my way to the main road, took a left and proceeded to run - very, very slowly. I was out at a pace where I could have a chat with a running partner, if there was one around. I wasn't putting a whole lot of effort into this, I just wanted to knock out some rust.
Nothing hurt and that's a good sign. My heart wasn't in my throat, but it was beating faster than it normally would at this slow pace. I think it is from lingering viral damage and the fact that my muscles haven't been doing a whole lot over the past week.
In spite of that I was feeling pretty good and managed to keep at it for more than half an hour. That's a good thing. A few days ago I would have made it to the end of my driveway and felt spent. It's nice when things start to fall back in place.
I had the perfect day for this experiment. We are on the fringe of autumn, the air is crisp, in the mid sixties by noon and the sun is out and filtering through the leaves. The kind of day when it is just nice to be outside.
I think tomorrow will be a repeat of today with sunny and cool being the predominant feature in the weather. I don't know what I will do. If I feel up to it, I'll try another run at an easy pace. If I feel tired I will walk at nearly the same pace. Either way it will be my intention to be out on the streets recharging my batteries and kicking the rust to the curb.
Keep on truckin'
Your next step should be to run or bike to the bakery for a little treat. Baked goods have proven healing properies.