Sunrise comes very late now. This morning I headed out for my walk in the rain and total darkness. The only light was coming off of me and my well illuminated blinky light vest. If properly attired a night time walk in the rain can be very pleasant and opens the mind to all sorts of wild imaginings. Today I was testing out a new pair of minimalist shoes with a Gore-Tex liner. They worked perfectly keeping my feet dry and still allowing my foot to behave as a foot and not some sort of trussed up victim wrapped in pillows.
The rains had let up leaving the streets of Poulsbo gleaming from the reflective pools of rainwater and the water slicked streets reflecting the towns lights. It was like an old LA Noir film. I half expected Humphrey Bogart to creep out of an alley and start questioning me on my motives for prowling the streets at the predawn hours. Dawn comes now around seven o’clock and it is that mystic time when there is a hint of light at the horizon. A light that struggles to illuminate the earth, but is not yet over the mountains to shed light on the world. The time when monsters and spirits roam sneaking their way into my thoughts and keeping me at a constant tension and hyper awareness. The Twilight Zone. The hackles at my neck are rising and my spidey senses are on alert feeling their way along the course ahead of me looking to see what is hidden around every corner. Will I make it to my destination unscathed? Will I be swept up by the ancient spirits of the woods to be held before the counsel to answer for the crimes of my ancestors? That is the question for which there is no answer.
Before I know what has transpired or what my sentence is, I am once again in the clinic awakened from my waking dream. Or was it a dream...
Keep on truckin'
The early dark has also made me once more don my glowing vest so folks will see me as I truly am, an Enlightened Superior Being. Be sure to keep on the good side of those Suquamish raccoons, I hear that they are the dominant species there.